Migrating to version 2.0.0

Running two versions of AppMetrica Push SDK in parallel

Two versions of the AppMetrica Push SDK can concurrently run in one app.


We don't recommend that you use several AppMetrica Push SDK versions in one app, because this can lead to anomalies in reports. In other words, you shouldn't activate AppMetricaPush while using the AppMetricaPush prefab from the older version. While that won't cause crashes or failures in the app, it will distort and disrupt the statistics. When migrating to the new plugin version, make sure you don't have the Assets/AppMetricaPush directory. The new plugin version is provided via UPM and saved to Library/PackageCache/io.appmetrica.analytics.push@hash.

Migration guide

This guide contains examples that show the differences between the plugin versions 1.1.0 and 2.0.0. This section only covers methods that do not have backward compatibility.

To migrate to the new version, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the previous plugin version.
  2. Add the new plugin version using UPM. For more information, see the section on enabling the plugin.
  3. Replace the prefab with activation via RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethodAttribute. For more information, see the section on replacing the prefab.
  4. In the project code, replace the classes and methods that have been renamed or only changed their package. For more information, see the section on renamings.

Enabling AppMetrica Push Unity plugin 2.0.0

The plugin is enabled via the Unity Package Manager.

Add the following dependencies to Packages/manifest.json:

  "dependencies": {
      "io.appmetrica.analytics.push": "https://github.com/appmetrica/push-unity-plugin.git#v2.0.0"

Replacing the prefab

  1. Create a static method with the [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod(RuntimeInitializeLoadType.BeforeSceneLoad)] attribute and activate AppMetricaPush using the AppMetricaPush.Activate() method.


    using Io.AppMetrica;
    using Io.AppMetrica.Push;
    using UnityEngine;
    public static class AppMetricaActivator {
        private static void Activate() {
            AppMetrica.Activate(new AppMetricaConfig("APIKey"));


    You must call AppMetricaPush.Activate() strictly after AppMetrica.Activate().

  2. Remove the AppMetricaPush prefab from your scenes.

Renaming the API


To work with AppMetricaPush, use static methods from the AppMetricaPush class. To do this, replace AppMetricaPush.Instance with AppMetricaPush and import Io.AppMetricaPush.

  • Removed the IYandexAppMetricaPush interface and transferred its methods to the AppMetricaPush class.
    • Renamed the Initialize method as Activate.