Tracking Google Ads campaigns

AppMetrica allows you to track Google Ads advertising campaigns.

To enable tracking, you should link the AppMetrica and Google Ads accounts via the link identifier that is used for attributing the installation source.

How tracking works

Google Ads tracking requires collecting advertising IDs (GAID/IDFA) from devices. If the app doesn't collect advertising IDs, tracking won't work.


Access to advertising IDs is granted by default.



Starting from version 14.5, apps don't have access to IDFA by default. To enable tracking, you have to implement an access request for IDFA.

This section explains the steps for setting up AppMetrica tracking to work with Google Ads ad campaigns:

Step 1. Get the Google Ads link ID

Create a link to AppMetrica for advertised app in the Google Ads web interface:

  1. Sign in to the Google Ads account.
  2. Click the tool icon in the upper right corner and go the SetupLinked accounts.
  3. Find the Third-party app analytics menu item and click Details.
  4. Click Create link ID if you link accounts for the first time, or the + button if your account already linked AppMetrica or other third-party app analytics accounts.
  5. In the App analytics provider drop-down list, select Other provider. Specify the provider ID AppMetrica — 1444794547.
  6. Select the platform of the mobile app.
  7. Find the advertised application using the search field.
  8. Click Create link ID.
  9. Copy the received link ID and use it when creating a tracker in AppMetrica.

Step 2. Create a tracker in AppMetrica

Create a tracker in the AppMetrica interface. Pay special attention to the following settings:

  1. Go to the Campaign details section and choose Google Ads as a media source.
  2. In the section that opens, fill in the Link id field.
  3. (Optional) To track conversions in the Google Ads interface, set up sending target events in Postback settings of AppMetrica. More information about setting up postbacks.


You don't need to configure the Installation postback for Google Ads. Attribution to the source is performed by link ID.

Step 3. Import conversions

After your ad campaign launches, import the events in the Google Ads interface:

  1. Click in the upper right corner and go the MeasurementConversions.

  2. Click + to add a conversion.

  3. Select Import →Third-party app analytics and click Continue.

  4. Select the first_open event of the advertised application.


    You can also select target events that are sent via postback.

  5. Click Import and continue.


Events for import can be displayed with a delay. If events do not appear immediately, start the Google Ads campaign and check the list after a few hours.

If you didn't find the answer you were looking for, you can use the feedback form to submit your question. Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible. Attach a screenshot if possible.

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