Google Play in-app subscriptions
To track subscription status updates on Google Play, create and upload a service account JSON file to AppMetica. The steps for creating a service account are described in detail below.
Creating a service account
Open an existing Google Cloud project or create a new one in Google Cloud Resource Manager.
Search for the Service accounts menu and open it.
On the page that opens, click + CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT at the top of the screen.
Enter a name for the account, such as "AppMetrica", and click CREATE.
Select the Editor role for this account (you can find it via Basic — Editor).
Create a new private key for the account. To do this, click
in the Actions section to the right of the service account and select Manage keys.
Next, click ADD KEY — Create new key on the key management page that opens. Select the JSON key type and click CREATE.
Grant the service account access to the app's financial data so that AppMetrica can validate and check the status of Google Play subscriptions.
Go to the Users and permissions page in the Google Play console.
Click Invite new users.
!["Users and permissions" window](../../_images/user-and-permissions.png ""Users and permissions" window")
In the email address field, enter the email address linked to your service account:
On the same page, go to the Account permissions tab and select the following options:
- View app information and download bulk reports (read-only).
- View financial data, orders, and cancellation survey responses.
- Manage orders and subscriptions.
Go back to the App permissions tab and select the app you're setting up tracking for (Add app). Click Invite user, then in the Send Invite pop-up window:
Open AppMetrica, go to your app's settings, and select the Revenue section.
In AppMetrica, go to Settings → Revenue → Tracking and validating Google Play subscriptions and upload the service account's JSON file.
Topic for tracking subscriptions
You can also track subscription statuses using the Google Cloud Console topic. AppMetrica has three options for working with the topic to choose from:
A new topic will be created in AppMetrica. If you don't use another subscription tracking service, we recommend choosing this option.
Copy the topic name in the interface and paste it into Google Play Console → Monetization setup → insert the topic in the Topic Name field.
Make sure that the Cloud Pub/Sub topic exists and you have granted Google the necessary permissions to publish notifications. For more information, see the documentation.
Use an existing topic. If you use an additional service to track subscriptions, there should be an existing topic. Google Cloud Console doesn't let you use two topics at the same time. Therefore, you need to copy your current topic and paste it into AppMetrica, the Settings section, the Revenue subsection.
To do this, go to Google Play Console → Monetization setup, copy the topic name from the Topic name field, and paste it into the Revenue settings input field in the AppMetrica interface.
Don't use a topic. We don't recommend choosing this option, because when no topic is present, AppMetrica will only check subscription statuses once a day and subscription data may be delayed by up to 24 hours. Some of the subscription events will also be unavailable.
Error creating a topic
The PERMISSION_DENIED: Cloud Pub/Sub API has not been used in project before or it is disabled
error occurs.
It means the Pub/Sub API isn't enabled for the project. To fix the error, follow the link in the error message (for example, and click Enable to activate the Pub/Sub API. Next, return to AppMetrica and click Save and enable tracking again.
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