Getting started

Step 1. Create an account and set up the app


You need a Yandex ID account to use AppMetrica. If you don't have one, please register.



Estimated time


Register and set up an AppMetrica account

  • Product manager
  • Developer

10 min

  • Provide details about your company and app.

  • Save the API key from your account settings. You'll need to share it with your developer for SDK integration.

    What is an API key?

    The API key is a unique app ID issued in the AppMetrica web interface at app registration. You can find it under Settings.

Grant your team members access to AppMetrica

  • Product manager
  • Developer

1 min per user

AppMetrica offers multiple levels of access. For more information, see Managing app access.

Stage 2. Integrate the AppMetrica SDK



Estimated time


Choose a platform for AppMetrica SDK integration

  • Product manager
  • Developer

10 min

AppMetrica is available for native Android and iOS apps. In addition, you can use plugins for Unity | Flutter | React Native.

Recommendation: Use the same API key for both versions of your app.

Configure advanced SDK settings

  • Product manager
  • Developer

30 min

The AppMetrica team recommends taking advantage of these advanced features:

For more information, see the sections on Android, iOS, Unity, Flutter, and React Native.

Determine what basic app events you want to monitor

  • Product manager
  • Developer

30 min

AppMetrica supports a number of event types. Some of the basic events are monitored automatically, while others require manual setup by the developer. For example:

Determine what custom events you want to monitor

  • Product manager
  • Developer

30 min

With AppMetrica, you can collect statistics on custom app events.

Recommendation: Learn more about the limits for custom events.

Start sending the collected data to your developers

  • Developer

3 hours

Useful resources for developers:

Additional tools

Integrate the AppMetrica Push SDK



Estimated time


Choose a platform for AppMetrica Push SDK integration

  • Product manager
  • Developer

10 min

The AppMetrica Push SDK is available for native Android and iOS apps. In addition, you can use plugins for Unity | Flutter.

Read about integration when using other push services

  • Developer

30 min

Developers should learn how to redirect messages between integrated SDKs.

Read about the Push API features

  • Product manager
  • Developer

20 min

AppMetrica supports sending push notifications both through the service interface and via API.

Learn more about the AppMetrica analytics tools


The AppMetrica web interface lets you view statistics on mobile app usage.



With this report, you can:

  • Evaluate the time spent by users in the app
  • Determine the average duration of the session
  • Evaluate the frequency of app use
  • Compare engagement metrics across different user groups

Retention analysis

With this report, you can assess:

  • User demand for various features of your app
  • How app updates affect user retention
  • User LTV in the app


With this report, you can:

  • Compare conversion rates across different app versions
  • Assess conversion dynamics for a user behavior scenario
  • Identify an audience segment that needs a specific app feature


With this report, you can assess:

  • What audience the ad campaign attracts
  • How changes to the app affect traffic from a specific region

Cohort analysis

With this report, you can assess:

  • The quality of traffic sources
  • The quality of the audience generated by partners
  • How many users in the selected cohort have triggered an event


With this report, you can:

  • Assess the reach and popularity of app features
  • Compare the behavior of multiple user groups
  • Measure how often app features are used within sessions
  • Analyze nested event parameters

Profiles report

This report shows user distribution based on selected attributes, including custom ones. This is the only report that tracks users by profile_id


User Acquisition

This report shows information on app install sources

User Acquisition SKAdNetwork

This report shows statistics on app install sources obtained from SKAdNetwork, a campaign attribution system for iOS 14.5+ that ensures user privacy

Push campaigns

This report shows push campaign statistics, including the number of sent, delivered, and opened push notifications


This report shows data on user re-engagement (users who returned to the app) and the target events they completed


Purchase analysis

This report shows what actions users take when making purchases


With this report, you can:

  • Measure the success of new features using ARPU
  • Assess user reactions to price changes using ARPPU
  • Discover your app's most popular products
  • Determine the geography of purchases using a dimension with data grouped by city
  • Assess the profitability of different ad networks and units

ReportsCrashes and errors

Crashes and errors

With this report, you can determine which crashes and errors occur most often


If you didn't find the answer you were looking for, you can use the feedback form to submit your question. Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible. Attach a screenshot if possible.

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